aboutpgLouisiana One Source, LLC is your one point of contact for abstracting services in all 64 Louisiana Parishes.

Previously known as Express Research Associates, LLC we were contracted to handle a large portion of research for the Louisiana Road Home project, which helped home owners returning to flooded and damaged homes after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005. This research required abstracting in over 30 parishes. To meet this need we developed and grew existing relationships with abstractors through out Louisiana. These relationships have since grown to cover the entire state. We continue to foster and grow these relationships with our abstract partners.

Our clients consist of law firms, title companies, government agencies, private businesses and others.

While abstracting practices are consistent among all parishes, we realize that in addition to abstracting experience, it is thru our local knowledge and relationships that we are able to build upon that sets our service apart. Each of our partners uses an organized and easy to read template or we use our own template to provide a professionally designed research.

Our abstractors know that we provide a steady stream of work and that we are dependable upon paying them for their services in a timely manner. For many of our abstractors, we are one of their highest volume sources, if not their number one client. Because of these relationships, we receive excellent service and response. This in turn allows our clients to rely on us as one central contact to manage all of their abstracting needs.